Technical support memos


May 18, 1998 (updated June 25, 2008)
WIN 95 (and later) display properties (screen settings) - Windows mode of ADV 5.1 and TAS 5.1 (does not apply to newer versions of Adv nor TAS)
Advanced Accounting 5.1 and TAS 5.1
Anthony J. Frates

Here are some issues relating to display properties and screen settings:

Font size: When running in the Windows mode, you must select "small fonts" (Win 95 and Win 98 referred to 96 DPI as "small fonts"; in subsequent versions of Windows this is referred to as the "normal" size) in order for the Windows mode to appear properly. Otherwise you may see fields that appear misaligned and/or are outside screen boxes.

Screen resolution: 640x480 was the most common WIN 95/98 setting, many users prefer higher screen resolutions such as 1024x768. ADV 5.1/TAS 5.1 can be run at this resolution (and we have not seen any screen resolution settings cause any conflict with TP5WIN.EXE in later versions such as Windows 2000, XP Home/Pro nor even Vista). In addition TAS 5.1/Windows mode programs can be written to occupy the full screen. (In order to do this, TAS 5.1 users need the latest TASEDSCR and the Rows= needs to be adjusted in the TP5WIN.INI - that will provide a display beyond 25 lines.) ADV 5.1 shows 25 lines even when the screen is maximized.

Display problems after changing screen resolution: Some users have reported a problem getting the Windows mode (invoked via TP5WIN.EXE) to return to the way it was after making a screen resolution change. Other Windows applications may be okay except for TP5WIN.EXE (DOS mode invoked by TPC50.EXE is not affected). Apparently when using some video adapters (Matrox video apapters appear to be especially prone to the problem), changing screen resolution can corrupt one of the "internal" fonts used by Windows (such as the "terminal" font used by TP5WIN.EXE). The solution to this problem is to use the device manager to remove the video adapter and then restart Windows which then detects the "new" hardware and reinstalls it.

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